Teachers Teach.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Blogged @ 10:07 PM
Teacher's Day is tomorrow, so there's no school. Weee. Going to St. Games tomorrow. It's going to be fun cause it's the first time I'm going there and it's also the first video-game cafe in Singapore. Ain't that just cool?
My days seem a whole lot brighter and much more fun and packed. This Saturday there's cellgroup meeting and on Sunday there's Service, after Service there's going to be an Amazing Race held at Sentosa. Hope it will be real awsome.
Just celebrated Teacher's Day today, teachers were touched, some cried, some were happy, some were just delighted knowing that some students cared for them. Times like this are quite rare, cause it only happens during Teacher's Day. Actually, I find that students should cherish their teacher almost everyday. Hahah, ah well.
Was facebook-ing when I saw my so called cousin's pic. Which looked real cool. Just posting it for fun cause I have nothing better to do. Lawl.

P.S: if you thought you saw Fiona Xie, it really is Fiona Xie.
He seems like he hangs out at clubs oftenly, cool. How I wish I could so I won't be stuck at home every night. But that time will come & I'll be able to experience the nightlife. But it's still a long long way till that day.
Last weekend I went to WeiTeck's cellgroup and stuff. So I could say I was hanging out with the Christians. Same thing happened on Sunday, went to Service. After Service, headed to Far East to have lunch. Walked around Orchard after lunch and went to Ion again. The stuff at Ion are just seriously expensive, so if you are the kind who really thinks money means alot to you, I suggest you should just go there for a nice walk around Ion. It's more of a grand place where luxury comes first.
Oh yeah, if you didn't know I didn't get an iPhone in the end cause it was oos. So instead, I got a Samsung Jet S8003 :D I got this phone cause it looked similar to the iPhone. LOL.
Anyway before I end this post, Happy Teacher's Day to all the Teachers out there. Have a good rest tomorrow :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Blogged @ 7:07 PM

Look, I'm on a magazine cover! -.- If you didn't know it's actually fake. I went to school as usual and as always, School -> Enterprise -> Home. I find life kinda boring, I need to make life more interesting and more lively for myself as well as find time to do my own things of course. But will that ever happen? I doubt so. So far only passed 2 subjects among the 3 subjects I've already seen and known my marks. I passed Science and Mother Tongue and failed Math :( still waiting for other subjects. I don't think it will be as good as I think it should be.
All I've been doing in school now is trying to crack up jokes to make myself laugh and get entertained so that I won't die out of boredom. I feel like ending the post right now, so I will.
That's all :)
I passed Chinese? :O
Friday, August 21, 2009
Blogged @ 9:11 PM
Wee, Common Test is over :D I passed NA Chinese for the first time :o Am I dreaming? I guess so :D School's back to normal next week, boringgggg. September Holiday do come faster D:
HAHAHAHA, I was laughing like mad when I saw a video at
this website. It's hilarious if you can "understand" HAHAHA. All about balls & plucking.
Guess thats all I'm going to type for this post. Can't think straight after watching the video cause its so damn funny & it keeps repeating in my mind over again.
Interesting Experiences. (Caution: Long Post)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Blogged @ 7:52 PM
I just came back from City Harvest Church, it was an interesting experience for me today. Well before I went there I had extra math. Yeah, you must be thinking, Math on Saturday?! There's common test coming up so that's why there's extra math. So as I was saying, I went to City Harvest Church, it was so interesting the minute I stepped in, I looked at the building thinking why it was so big and when I went in, it didn't felt like a church at all, it felt more like a place for people to meet and hangout.
So, I went up to the rooftop I think and I was surprised by the number of Adults & Teens hanging out there. I just don't know how to explain. It's something you don't get to see. I always thought that church would be like just a place for people to get married and pray, never thought that people would come and hangout and chill. I was even more surprised by how friendly the people there are. It's like they are already your friends in no time. I just got to know about 15-20 people, it was really something that doesn't happen.
Later, I heard that they were having service, I thought that they would be doing some community work for the elderly or something but it wasn't. They will gather at a hall/auditorium and get settled down and they will have announcements and performances and things to talk about. They will also pray to God, sing songs. When I looked around the hall/auditorium I could see everyone so enthusiastic when they were saying their prayers. Some were really focused. Some put in their heart and soul to pray. Some say their wishes to god. It's really interesting to see such moments which is really different from the Muslims and Buddhists.
And there were many different kinds of Christians regardless Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasian & some even Korean I think or Japanese? Surprised to see different races joining coming together in one religion. Opened up my eyes to something different and interesting.
After the service ended, went to a nearby coffee shop to have dinner. Didn't expect even after the Service ended the cellgroups will still go together to hangout. Cause most of the time after a group work has ended everyone would just go home but almost everyone who were there for Service went to the coffee shop. Can really see the bond with each other in them.
Took the train back home & the end of my Saturday :)
Nong Long Post
Friday, August 14, 2009
Blogged @ 10:36 PM
It's been long since my last update, yeah I know that I'm lazy :) Lately, I've done loads of stuff that I can't possibly type all in just one post, that will be like so darn long. So just to simplify matters, I'll just talk about the important stuff. I caught a movie, bought myself a new bag, new pencil case, new handphone pouch (but no iPhone yet) zzz..., went to Plaza, went to Yewtee, went to Lot 1, Math Revision Lessons. I seriously can go on listing but I won't :D

I watched a movie on National Day called "18 Grams of Love" , it's really a nice movie, do watch it, has loads of meaning in it. I also learnt one thing from this movie, A piece of paper weighs 8 grams, An envelope weighs 10 grams, Together, You have a love letter that weighs, 18 grams. So to all the guys out there, do not just write one letter to express your love, it only weighs 18 grams. Write as many as you can to express how heavy your love is for that someone. LOL. Make sense right? Rofl.

Just recently watched "Where got Ghost?", a funny yet kinda shocking comedy. Has some meaning in to it. Basically, the movie revolves around 3 different kinds of ghost story. 1, Ghost by the Roadside. 2, Ghost in the Jungle. 3, Ghost at Home. The actors will make you laugh so it isn't really that scary, just shocking at some scenes where the "Ghost" pop up from no where, hahah. It's a chinese drama with englsih subs just incase you dont know.
Common Test has already started and I look/sound un-worried am I even normal? o.o Mostly, at times like this, people would usually freak out and think what they should study, how they should go about doing the question, looking for answers to questions they never thought about or don't know. Geeeeeeeeee, I'm going to fail aren't I :(
There's Math tomorrow @ 10am. Arghhhhhhh, how I wish I could stay home but the choice isn't up to me to decide. Hopefully Math will be less stress and more relaxing. I could be loosing my mind.
Oh yesss, to Edward Teng - Don't go talking behind people's back saying things I don't want to hear, telling people things that are untrue? Don't be such a shit *** and complain all day, I didn't even do anything to you lah, don't go around and complain about me saying that I'm a showoff or whatever _l_ This is for Edward :)
And that's all I'm going to type for this post.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Blogged @ 9:14 PM
Staying at home is really boring, I wanna go out but I doubt I can cause I'm sick as a teddy bear. LOL? Will only return back to school on Wednesday. After typing so much and trying to make daily updates, seem like nobody is reading it. Guess this blog is just for me to type whatever I want for myself to read -_-
Medicine is Killing Me.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Blogged @ 5:44 PM

Once again I'm sick. The medicine I'm taking is killing me -_- Most likely I won't be going to school tomorrow. I hate it when I'm sick..
iPhone Craziness
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Blogged @ 9:36 PM

iPhone 3G S is out of stock -.- I wanted to get that phone in the first place but it's outta stock. Guess it leaves me no choice but to take iPhone 3G 8GB cause thats the only one they have left or else I'll have to wait till November which I won't want to wait that long. My iPhone only comes in next week. Bleh, I gotta wait for one more week. To keep myself excited about it, I keep watching iPhone Walkthroughs. I know I sound seriously lame but I was bored and I needed something to do. Until I get my iPhone 3G 8GB, I'll have to use Motorola. Although Motorola may not be as good as my old phone its better than nothing. I just seriously cant wait for my iPhone 3G 8GB. The cool features & apps make me want to know more about it and try it out for myself but it will all come true next week. Just one more week. One more week...